I thought I would take a minute and try to do the impossible task of listing some of the people who have given me help and encouragemant along the way. First there is Brian, kg6jsm, who helped me get my technician class license and set up my first vhf station.The ChickenNet group on the 145.190 who taught me how to be patient and humorous at the same time.Then there is Jim, kb6zop, who helped me set up my next station. Jim is the one who with continuos knowledge and selfless hand-me-downs of equipment and parts , has shown me the roots and traditions of the ham radio hobby.Then there is Tom, kg6cse, Who was right there to help me move into the real fun part! Tom climbed up in the attic and hung a dipole! My first BIG GUN HF STATION! (hihi). Tom has been another one of the operators who has opened doors to the multiple ways of enjoying ham radio. Chuck, n6oj and Jim, w6wr, are the real BIG GUNs. They both were there with patience and knowledge, Inviting me to their shacks and giving me a taste of what DX was all about. Man this is impossible..... There are so many callsigns I can think of....so I will list a few and if I leave someone out I will probably hear about it, but thats ok.
All The Hams In Sonoma County!!!!!There that should cover most of it..... nn6j,w6wtj,w6hf,kl1we,k6gyl,wb6tms,ke6n,wb6mvt,ab6jp,wb6qaz,wd6ftb,k6map,ki6ock,kd6otc, again
this is just the tip of the iceberg, If I missed you feel free to add a comment. I would love to hear from you.
You know some of this may sound corny but its the truth. I have met nothing but a lot of good people on ham radio, who most importantly, have been able to accept their differences and still enjoy each other , and that is a wonderful gift. GOODWILL.....
73 88 frnw kg6qjj